

Show and Tell/產品介紹影片


Show and Tell 是很常見的口語練習,我請學生帶一個物品,可以是自己家公司的產品或是隨身的一個物品,並用(至少)十句英文來介紹,目的是讓聽眾了解這項物品的外觀狀況及功能,是語言能力也是展示表現的練習。



1. 甚麼是Show and Tell? Wikipedia是這麼說的... 

Show and tell is a common expression about showing an audience something and telling them about it. In the United Kingdom, North America and Australia, it is a common classroom activity at early elementary school. It is used to teach young children the skills of public speaking.[1] For example, a child will bring an item from home and will explain to the class why they chose that particular item, where they got it, and other relevant information.

2. 要講些甚麼呢?這裡有一些問題可以思考...

(objective information)
-What is it?
-Where is it from?
-When/How did you get it?
-What size is it?
-What shape is it?
-How much does it weigh?
-What is it made of?
-What features does it have?

(subjective information)
-Why does it have a special meaning for you?
-Why do you feel strongly about it?

-Why do you want to share it with the class?

1.          It’s the opposite of…
2.          It’s similar to…
3.          It’s (just) like a…
4.          It enables you to…
5.          It’s designed for…
6.          You can use it to…
7.          It’s a kind of…
8.          It’s sort of…
9.          It looks like a …
10.      It’s made of…

Make sure you:
•describe the item's condition
•use a variety of adjectives
•give clear instructions/ demonstration
•provide good answers to questions posed by peers

3. 這裡有一些Youtube 3C產品介紹的影片,蘋果系列下面都有中文字幕可以參考。

The new iMac


New iPad

Xperia Z2 
Samsung Galaxy S5

Good luck!:)

